Lost Boys Blog

Lost Boys Blog

The school with a porn problem

When boys are growing up with porn shaping their worldview we have a major problem.

Lost Boys Blog

What about the lost girls? How the book I set out to write for women took an unexpected turn.

Despite the claims of popular culture, there are significant differences between men and women and I wanted to address these in separate books.

Lost Boys Blog

Empowering Young Women to Embrace Their Maternal Instincts

The value of motherhood is indeed far above rubies and infinitely of more value in God’s sight than conquering nations or flying to the moon.

Lost Boys Blog

Feminism and the Oppression of Women Who are Mothers

Today, you will only hear it said that a woman’s highest calling and value is found in the marketplace, in the workforce, a vocation outside the home.

Lost Boys Blog

Pastors on Porn

One in five youth pastors consume porn…

Lost Boys Blog

Pornography Pandemic: Chilling, Ugly and Soul Destroying

Pornography is hurting our girls, it’s hurting our boys and it’s hurting our society.

Lost Boys Blog

Gamers: Slay the Dragon, Get the Gold, and Get Out of Your Room

Computer games provide an escape, an adventure, a world where a boy or young man can be the centre, the hero, where he can slay dragons and capture the gold.

Lost Boys Blog

Redefining Masculinity: Men in frilly dresses?

Harry Styles wore a frilly dress for Vogue Magazine's first solo male cover and the internet went crazy.

Lost Boys Blog

Elephants and Young Men: Toxic Masculinity in the Animal Kingdom?

After separating a group of elephants from their adult males park rangers began to notice some peculiar behaviour…

Lost Boys Blog

A Man Drought? A Girl’s Perspective

Young Christian women have been lamenting the perceived man drought that the West is currently facing. I spoke with a 20-year-old young Christian woman to hear her perspective.