We have an opportunity! God is doing something big in Australia at the moment. There’s a growing movement of people who share a heart for our nation’s youth. Through deep relationships young people are encountering God, finding life-changing purpose and experiencing the transforming love of Jesus.

With over 4 million young people in Australia between the ages of 12-24¹, the vision is huge.

Only together, mobilising our gifts, skills, time and resources can we continue investing into young people and giving life to their story.

Join the Movement!

¹ ABS Estimated resident population, by age and sex–at 30 June 2016. Total 4,014,474 persons aged 12-24.

Prayer Team

Prayer is our most important strategic anchor. Access resources and join the team to receive monthly prayer updates by email.

Jesus Campaign

A national network of youth missionaries actively sharing JESUS and multiplying disciples.

Pais Gap Year

Get equipped for mission while serving as part of a team – discovering and using your gifts to share the message of Jesus.

Alumni - Your Stories

Celebrating seventy years of youth ministry in Australia. What's your YFC Story?