

A visual tool to help you be intentionally missional with the people you know who are yet to trust in Jesus. 

The Explanation

Oikos is a Greek word meaning ‘household’ and can be thought of as the people in your sphere of influence.

An Oikos Map will help you to:

  • Identify people in your life who are not yet followers of Jesus. (Family, Friends, Class mates, Co-workers, Team mates, neighbours etc.)
  • Understand the potential multiplication impact they could have on others.
  • Pray intentionally for these people and for opportunities to share with them.



  1. Write your name in the middle of a blank sheet of paper and draw a circle around it.
  2. Think about the people in your life who are far from God (family, friends, classmates, co-workers, team mates, neighbours etc.) Put each name in a circle around the page with a line connecting to you.
  3. To visualise the potential for multiplication you can also add some people who each of the above may reach if they became a Christian using lines to connect to that person.
  4. Begin to pray regularly and intentionally for the people on your Oikos Map and seek opportunities to share the Gospel with them.


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