Apply now
Get equipped for mission while serving as part of a team – discovering and using your gifts to share the message of Jesus.
Who is it for?
18-30 year old Australian residents who are committed Christians regularly attending church and with a desire to share their faith.
Where is it located?
The current options for internships (called apprenticeships) in Australia are based in QLD or NSW with online and in-person training components. Accommodation provided if needed. Overseas opportunities also available.
When does it start?
Intakes are in January and August of each year.
How much does it cost?
It’s free!
What will you receive?
What will you do?
Get equipped for mission while serving as part of a team – discovering and using your gifts to share the message of Jesus.
By submitting this form you will be connected to the YFC Mission network in Australia and redirected to the full Pais Movement application form. Learn more about the YFC & Pais partnership here.
Pais is a discipleship-led organization operating on six continents who equip the local church to advance the Kingdom of God with new concepts, tools, and templates.
They have decades of experience training teams to grow and serve in mission through their highly recommended apprenticeship program offering a free mission year to young people around the world.
Youth for Christ has partnered with Pais Movement with a view to see more Australian young people equipped and empowered to live as youth for Christ!