Tools & Training
Simple, reproducible tools and training to help multiply disciples of JESUS.
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What's Normal?
Resources to challenge the hyper-sexualisation of culture and help youth walk in FREEDOM.
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Discipleship Training
Learn how to use a Discovery Bible Study to make disciples and reach the lost in your community.
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The Battle Plan
A National network of youth missionaries trained and equipped to share JESUS using evangelism and discipleship tools. Each missionary equipped and supported with simple reproducible tools to share their faith, make disciples and empower others do the same – to see transformation multiplied across the country as young people walk confidently in the life, joy and liberty of Jesus Christ.
Join the Movement
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About the movement
Youth for Christ Australia is part of YFC International, a Christian inter-denominational, non-profit, evangelical youth movement operating in over 110 countries. At its core, YFC is a movement of people unified by a common heart for Jesus and for young people.
It is our desire for all young people to encounter Jesus, to experience radical freedom and to truly understand their identity as sons and daughters of God.