Pastors on Porn

by Cindy McGarvie

One in five youth pastors consume porn.

That was one of the disturbing findings from a 2015 Barna survey which included 338 youth pastors in the United States.

The numbers were a little lower for other church pastors, with roughly one in seven admitting to ongoing porn use. 

And while it would perhaps be unfair to extrapolate that data to all pastors in Australia and elsewhere it does highlight the extent to which internet porn consumption has entrenched itself into our society.

Porn is everywhere and its effects are far reaching.

It’s hard to share of the freedom in Christ when you’re not experiencing it in your own life.

Of those youth pastors who consumed porn 75% said they believed it negatively affected their ministry.

The Christian young people I’ve spoken with who struggled with this issue also say it hindered their spiritual growth and Christian witness.

It’s hard to share of the freedom in Christ when you’re not experiencing it in your own life.

“I was at this time leading Bible studies, seeing up to 30-40 youth attending, yet come home and watch porn, and that hypocrisy tore me apart,” shares Harry, a young Christian man who I interviewed for my book Lost Boys. Harry fought pornography alone for years after being exposed at the age of 7.

“I got to the point where I thought it was better to be a sinner than a hypocrite and I walked away from the faith after I finished Year 12.”

Harry fought pornography alone for years after being exposed at the age of 7.

Thanks to a community of Christian’s journeying with him, Harry was eventually able to stand firm in his faith, find freedom from porn and is now a powerful messenger of the Gospel of hope to others.

That’s why I’m passionate about addressing this major issue that continues to hinder too many Christians.

It’s time to bring into light that which is hidden in darkness, to start the difficult conversations and walk in the full freedom purchased by Christ.



YFC has developed a 10-week video based curriculum for Christian schools, youth groups and individuals wanting to open discussion and help young people think critically about the effect the porn normal culture is having on themselves and others.  Click here to learn more.




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