Lie #1: “Your mind is the source and standard of truth, so no matter what, trust yourself.”

Let's expose this deception of the world to the truth of God's Word and examine our own hearts.


Romans 8:5-8

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.  For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.  Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Further reading: Romans 12:1-3, 2 Cor 11:1-3, Psalm 1


Commonly we hear people, on social media, celebrities, in movies and the like exhorting us to “live your truth” or “speak your truth” or “my truth is …”  What has been lost is the definitive article, the little but important word the. We hardly ever hear “the truth” because the inference is that truth is objective and to claim to have “the truth” is highly offensive and presumptuous. 

According to the religion of self-worship, self decides what is truth and what is not. Only self can ever know their own truth, and that truth is hidden within our own hearts and minds.

God’s revealed authoritative word is truth and it serves as a yardstick to measure if something is truth or a lie.

God’s revealed authoritative word is truth and it serves as a yardstick to measure if something is truth or a lie. Thank God that truth is stable, enduring and unshakeable! It isn’t ruled by feelings or the ebbs and flows of what’s popular and what’s not. Truth corresponds with reality. The truth of the human heart and mind, “my truth” or “your truth,” is simply a viewpoint and nothing more.

According to recent studies, most Christians in America do not believe that the bible is the authoritative word of God. If that’s the case, then who or what is the authority for Christians? Who or what is truth? 
Self. Self decides what is truth.

Brethren, the human heart and mind that is focused on oneself is hostile to God and cannot please God, or submit to Him. Therefore, seek life and peace, dethrone self and submit to God.


Father, I want to submit to you and to please you, I don’t want to live in the flesh and remain hostile to you. I renounce self and humbly ask your forgiveness for being the ruler and authority over my own life by going my own way. Forgive also my prevailing unbelief in your revealed word in the scriptures by not feeding my soul daily with your truth. Please remove from me whatever is making me blind, narrow or distracted.


Father, You hold out your mercy to me and bid me to come, so I bow my soul before you in thankfulness and give myself up to you as my Saviour. I ask that you deliver me from being carnally minded, which is death and makes me spiritually minded, which is life. Thank you for your Holy Spirit living in me, help me to always be attentive to your voice. 

Precious God, The rescue and salvation of souls has always been your plan. We pray for grace to remember this. May your kingdom be advanced in our nation. May your everlasting gospel be proclaimed and heard through our land, to set captives free, to give sight to the blind, to rescue those who sit in darkness and bring them into your light. We humbly ask for your mercy, help us, your people, to return to truth and repent of our pride, hypocrisy, sensuality and unbelief, and renounce the world and its lies. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


About The Prayer Campaign

We're joining together with hundreds of other believers around Australia to humble ourselves, repent, seek God and pray for revival – a Jesus Revolution.

Each week the devotion will be exposing the deceptions of self-worship to the truth of Scripture as we deny self and radically follow Jesus. Learn more about the prayer series here.