Thanks to your support Youth for Christ is helping young people walk free in their God given identity – equipped to boldly stand for Jesus.
Last month 35 participants from around Australia gathered together in Melbourne for Jesus School. They’d given up ten-days of their normal life to live in an intentional discipleship community together – digging deeper into scripture through teaching sessions, street outreach, prayer, worship and shared fellowship.
“It’s more than just learning about the Gospel, it’s actually being in a culture of family and what it looks like to love one another as we grow together,” shares twenty-two-year-old participant Katie, who was first impacted by this YFC ministry years earlier.
Katie was a young Christian studying youth work in Melbourne when a few of her friends went to a Jesus School in Darwin.
They opened my eyes to the truth of what Jesus did for us.
- Katie
“They just came back with this inexplicable transformational experience and I remember them trying to tell me about it but I couldn’t quite get it,” she recalls.
“I knew that it was something that they were learning from the Gospel but I was like, ‘Oh, but don’t we all know the Gospel?’”
It was the difference she saw in her friends that prompted Katie to go to a local event where some of the Jesus School leaders were sharing.
“As I got a taste of what they were teaching I realised that the thing that was so transformational was actually the way in which they walked out what they were reading in the Word of God,” says Katie.
“I admired how they desired to see people transformed by the Gospel and not just by good youth work practices. And they opened my eyes to the truth of what Jesus did for us.”
Drawn to the way they were putting their faith into action Katie felt God calling her into ministry. After much prayer, she moved to Darwin to serve with Youth for Christ as a missionary.
“I know that God has called me to be doing this role and the support of so many people reminds me of how amazing it is to be a part of the body of Christ,” she says.
Katie is now serving as the YFC team leader in Darwin to boldly share the Gospel with young people in the region and through events like Schoolies for Jesus where last year she lead a team to Bali to engage with Australian school leavers celebrating over there.
The support of so many people reminds me of how amazing it is to be a part of the body of Christ.
- Katie
“The teaching of the Jesus School has really cemented this in my heart that God desires to know me and that’s why He did all of this, that’s why He sent Jesus to the cross.
“That’s why I now desire to share the Gospel with people because I understand that it is Good News. It’s actually the best thing ever!”
Through your prayers and gifts you are standing alongside young Christians like Katie – empowering them to boldly share their faith to a generation that don’t yet know the hope found in Jesus.