With their final school exams nearing completion, thousands of teenage school leavers will soon be descending on popular tourist spots for a week of wild parties.
And thanks to your support young Youth for Christ evangelists will also be there but for a much different reason – to know Him and make Him known.
“We want to bring the hope, love and power of the Gospel to a generation that is desperately searching for God in the wrong places,” share’s Surfer’s Paradise Coordinator Gus Grobler.
Over the week hundreds of young people will have conversations about Jesus and receive prayer – many for the first time.
Hundreds of young people will have conversations about Jesus and receive prayer – many for the first time.
Gus believes the Schoolies for Jesus initiative is both a great opportunity for young people to discover Jesus and a powerful growing experience for those on the team as they step out to proclaim the Good News.
“I want to see a genuine revival in our nation, and I believe that in order for that to happen Christians need to be actively sharing the Gospel with the lost,” says Gus.
“Schoolies for Jesus is a perfect opportunity for young Christians to get equipped and exposed in boldly sharing their faith.”
Your prayers play a powerful role in the spiritual battle for our lost sons and daughters.
Please join us praying for our young evangelists and that many young people at Schoolies will experience life changing encounters with Jesus.