By The River – Virtual Prayer Room

Calling all young people 25 and under with a passion for prayer!

Youth for Christ Australia and Beth-Biri bring to you:

A virtual prayer room for young people 25 and under on the first Wednesday night of each month.

We love to gather to adore our King and wait on Him in worship and prayer. We can’t do that in person right now, so we are opening up a ‘virtual room’ for those who are hungry to worship Him and intercede for the lost young people of our nation and the neighbourhoods in which we live. We want to see a spiritual revival amongst young people in Australia and history tells as that unified, persistent and extraordinary prayer leads to this.

If you have a stirring in your heart to join a group of radical young Jesus people in worship and intercession, then please join us By the River over zoom.

These times will be led by young people for young people.

Please RSVP for Meeting details

August 05, 2020 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Online Zoom Meeting

Will you come?