Fresh out of high school two years ago, Zoe chose to spend her Schoolies week sharing Jesus with her peers as part of the Schoolies for Jesus team.
“It was quite a new experience for me,” Zoe shares. “I had never been that overt about my faith before – praying for people and sharing the Gospel.
“Teens my age would be drinking and getting wild on the streets and in their hotels, but in the midst of the darkness I could be that light that leads people to the Lord! Being a part of something so significant definitely welled up more passion in me to share the Gospel.”
God has transformed my insecurity to confidence…
- Zoe
That experience led Zoe to join YFC’s internship program in 2017, where she was trained to continue stepping out in faith, thanks to generous friends like you.
Zoe shares how her life changed:
“Entering this internship year, I was a shy and insecure teenager. But since coming into YFC I have grown into a whole different person: the me I was created to be. God has transformed my insecurity to confidence, anger to forgiveness, fear to peace, and tears to joy!
“Now I feel more confident to share the Gospel and my story with people. I’m still growing, but I’m letting the Lord teach me as I go!”
Zoe returned to Surfer’s Paradise during the recent Schoolies week to share Christ with other young people again.
I couldn’t be more thankful for where God has brought me through YFC.
- Zoe
“This time I really knew my identity in Christ and was much bolder in how I presented the Gospel, instead of clinging to people and needing them to do the talking for me, I was leading others and was confident to let the Holy Spirit lead me.
“It’s crazy how one year had changed me to be so secure and free from fear in Christ. I couldn’t be more thankful for where God has brought me through YFC!”
Thank you for empowering young leaders like Zoe to grow in their own faith – and share the Gospel with powerful, life-changing results!