Free online training


YFC is passionate about seeing a movement of young people rise up who are equipped to reach the lost, make disciples and ultimately transform the spiritual landscape of Australia.

We have consulted with gifted evangelists, revivalists, disciple-makers and church planters from around the world and have developed an online training designed to equip us all in simple, reproducible tools to see this vision become a reality.

The Details

W H A T  I S  I T  ?

An nine session online e-course made up of videos, text instructions and pdf resources.  

W H O  I S  I T  F O R ?

The training is designed for ministry teams to go through as a group. Christianity is meant to be worked out in community and we've found that the most important ingredient is people who have committed to journeying with the content as a group. Aim for two to twelve people. 

Our desire is to train key influencers of young people in each region right across Australia. This will primarily look like Youth Pastors & Youth Leaders. We believe that local mission is best left to local missionaries, and we want to partner & equip you to catalyse a movement of radical, spirit-led young people in your region.

W H A T  D O E S  I T  C O V E R ?

Simple, reproducible tools to equip you in the following areas:

  • How do we enter & engage with lostness?
  • How do we proclaim the gospel?
  • How can we make disciples who make disciples?
  • How can we plant & maintain healthy churches?
  • How can we develop & reproduce healthy leaders?

H O W  L O N G  W I L L  I T  T A K E ?

The training is on-demand and can be completed at your own pace. It contains nine sessions designed to take 90 minutes each. Spacing the sessions over multiple weeks allows time for participants to begin applying the tools. 

W H A T  W I L L  I T  C O S T ?

The training is free!

Watch Intro Video

"One of the things that has impacted me the most is that it’s actually something I can teach and train others so easily."

Watch Elly's Testimony

Watch Intro Video

"It's transformed my life as a believer"

Watch Luke's Testimony

Disciple Making Training

Empower your team to make disciples and see a reproducible discipleship movement in your local region.